Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baby Toes!

I have posted this picture twice because I still can't get over getting to see these sweet toes everyday!

Playing with Lucy

Hip Update

Nora had her fourth hip ultrasound yesterday.  Her alpha angles are now at the low end of normal so she can only wear the braces at night until she outgrows the brace.  We go back in July, when she is six months old, for an x-ray to see how her bone is developing.  We are super happy to have her legs back during the day!  I have officially purchased all of the rompers and leggings in size 3 months that Old Navy has to offer.  The doctors won't just come out and say if we're in the clear or not so it's more waiting and hoping and praying.  Lots and lots of praying and we're going to go ahead and live on the edge and go on summer vacation - just to claim it- her hips are/will be healthy!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Four Months Old!

Nora is 4 months old!  How did that happen?  She is such a joy.  She looks tough in the picture and in some ways she really is - dealing with leg braces and other such unpleasantness at a young age, but she's also super gentle and easy going.  When she coos she has the sweetest gentlest "voice."  Even her cries are usually mild.  Don't let that fool you though, when she gets good and angry she can certainly let you know it.  She is a good little sleeper.  I can lay her down at night while she's still awake and she'll peacefully drift off to sleep on her own.  She loves to be swaddled up at night and she likes having her hair brushed.  She absolutely hates being in her car seat for any prolonged period of time.  Her favorite activity is nursing and she'd do it all day long if I let her.
For the last week, we've been able to take her out of her harness during the day and I LOVE it.  I feel like I've been given my baby girl back.  I love to hold her tiny little feet and feel her soft squishy body next to mine.  For the most part, I'm not sure she realizes that she has full range of motion in her legs again, but she'll figure it out. 

Half days harness free!!

Starting today Nora can be out of her harness during the day.  In two weeks we get a repeat ultrasound to see if her hips are still good.  If they are, then we are hopefully, at the end of our hip journey.  If they aren't then we'll just deal with whatever we have to deal with at that point.  Right now, today, I'm just grateful for these legs and feet.  I will cherish the next few days of no harness and leave tomorrow's worries for tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Tonight while changing her shirt (she's been wearing the same one for four days thanks to the harness, so it was pretty gross) I ran my fingers over her bare belly and asked her "who is Mommy's buttermilk biscuit?" and sweet Nora giggled.  This was the first time she's laughed for me and it was delightful.  I was able to get a few more giggles out of her before things turned serious and she wanted to be put to bed.  I tell ya, this kid just makes my heart grow three sizes, Grinch-style, everyday.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


This picture - right here - this is why I wanted a second child.  Does it get any better?  No.  No, it does not.